Team Synchronicity TM
"creating quantum team results with the magic of synchronicity"

Teams and organisations are at the threshold of a new age where the familiar principles that for 300 years have governed our understanding of the universe and of the workplace are no longer sufficient. Gone are the days when Newtonian linear thinking and predictable outcomes reigned supreme; physicists now agree that quantum mechanics more accurately describes our world. To be the best they can be and achieve outstanding results teams need to develop a quantum mindset which understands that human beings are interconnected, and live in a world with infinite potential.
It is a mindset that embraces uncertainty and ambiguity and dares to explore the uncharted territories of possibility. On this journey it is not individual brilliance that propels us forward, but the collective genius of our teams; a genius driven by TeamSynchronicity™ which unlocks the power of quantum results.
For many years Dr Philip Merry has delivered learning events in 63 countries with leading corporate and government organisations, and with a PhD in Synchronicity & Leadership is a world leader in services that help create a stage where the magic of synchronicity is accelerated.
TeamSynchronicity™ & Quantum Change
Life Synchronicity and Personal Change
Leadership Intention, Synchronicity, and Results
Explore Possibilities via Quantum Entanglement
Boost Creative Decision Making
Build Brain & Heart Coherence
Develop Intuitive Muscle
Build Extraordinary Teams

"Philip Merry is a world leader in the application of the science of synchronicity to teams and leadership." David Cooperrider PhD
"I rate Philip Merry among the top ten per cent of consultants I have ever worked with, and the best on leadership and team issues in cross-cultural settings.” Professor Frank Rijsbermann
(+65) 9728 0419 - email:
Dr Philip Merry (see profile)
Dr Philip Merry
Inspiring teams and leaders
for over 30 years
in 63 countries
Learning Events that drive change
Coaching that transforms
Personal Development

Philip Merry has delivered workshops in
these countries

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